Only one more treatment after this! Then I'm done with chemotherapy and I move onto radiation therapy.
So what new is there to share with you? Well, my toenails are getting black spots, which is a normal side affect with Taxol, since it kills your nerves in your feet and hands. But, I'm not suffering from neuropathy ( when those nerves die and cause extreme pain, which is how I understand it). Some of my feeling is gone (they do this cool vibration test to determine that) but nothing the Dr is super worried about yet.
My fingernails are showing signs of seperating from the nail beds. Again, normal side effect. It's not to bad yet, I don't think they will actually fall off (at least I hope not, fingers crossed!).
The Taxol causes me extreme pain in my legs, but they stopped giving me the white cell booster and started me on Gabapentin (sp?), a nerve blocker. Thats kind of helped. It's not as extreme, but still very sore. The doc gave me some pain meds so I can keep up with my 3 year old lol. (whom I have to take care of alone for the next few weeks, as my husband left to pack up our house in VA so we can make this PCS to Hawaii official)
Situation in the house we're living at is a lot better. We got in trouble from my brother-in-law, owner of the house, for acting like kids. So, that straightened things out with everyone and we're all on talking terms again. I keep in mind that I'm thankful for a place to live through all this, but am excited about getting the house in VA shut down so we can finally rent our own place here and stop mooching off of him. I know they need space to mourn for the lost of their mom, his wife, my sister. I need my own place to mourn too.
I keep wondering when, if, I'm going to break down about all this. Chemo is almost over and I still feel strong in spirit. Maybe I won't break down at all? Is that normal?? Of course, I've had my days of questioning and a little sadness, but no break down, no week of laying in bed and crying. Oh well, I'll be thankful for that strong spirit I've been given and stop wondering when I'm going to be weak... It's a silly thing to wonder, isn't it?
Once again, thanks for reading and listening!