Tuesday, February 28, 2012

First treatment down...

Let me first start by saying, it's been a little over two weeks since my sister passed, and I've still not gotten over the "Anger" stage of grieving. Yesterday was the viewing of her body before cremation. Saturday will be the burial.

The viewing was all that I'd knew it would be. Cold, painful, and unnecessary. Maybe that's selfish of me? It's just, I've seen her lifeless body enough to fuel dreams for years to come... and fuel them, it has. But this was a whole new view. A frozen, sweaty as it defrosted, view. I kissed her despite of it, I couldn't leave there without giving her one last kiss. I asked the kids and her husband to join hands with me as I prayed.  I used prayer as a way to remind them that their mother, Sheryl, was already amongst the angels; this was just her vessel.... Ashes to ashes.

So, chemo. That started today, as mentioned in the title. Due to my age and health, I made a good candidate for a research group being run by a Cancer Center in NY. They are aiming to prove that regular exercise improves the side effects of chemotherapy treatments. So I wear a pedometer and actigraph (whatever that is?) daily, and also have a set workout regimen I have to follow.  Mostly just resistance band stuff and walking so many steps a day. No biggie, right?? I can do this... although I haven't worked out in a pretty long time and am double thinking the idea of starting to while on chemo... but hey, I've always been a little out of the box, bat shit crazy.

The initial feelings on today?  I was scared and nervous. The actual treatment wasn't bad, they poked a needle in my port on my chest and gave me some pre-med drugs. They issued two huge syringes of the "Red Devil" along with one other chemotherapy drug afterward. Got some nausea meds to take home, along with stool softeners and prilosec (all prophylactic drugs for possible side effects of the chemotherapy).  Also, got an injection to take home to help boost my white blood cells. I'm sure the family will have fun poking me!  

Anyway, that's that. Now it's just a "wait and see" kinda game as to when these side effects will hit. As you know by now, I'll keep you posted.


  1. Praying for you Reata! You are an amazing woman with a phenomenal resevoir of strength!!

  2. thank you michelle... and thank you for allowing me to tell my story and listening =) miss you guys... hopefully we'll get to retire together at our next duty station =)

  3. those are supposed to be smiley faces! but this font makes them look like a cyclops lol
